Are you serious about learning a language?

Morpheem can get you there.

Multiple-choice exercises aren’t rich enough to learn a language; you need the ability to drill down into nuances of grammar, see words in different contexts and get feedback on your writing.

Morpheem is an attempt to offer all this. It’s a one-man project, so you won’t get the slickness of Big Tech apps, but you will get better at the language you’re studying.

Use it as your main learning tool or as a complement to classes.

Currently available in Polish, French, Spanish, Italian, Korean, Dutch, Russian, Swedish and German.
Languages can be added on request.

Morpheem is completely free.

The right exercise at the right time

Morpheem tracks your language skills. If you make a mistake, it remembers it. If you click a word to get a translation, it tracks that you didn’t know the word.

Any gaps in your knowledge are turned into new exercises. If you use the wrong word in a writing exercise, you will get a fill-in-the-blanks exercise for that word later. If you choose the wrong article, you will get an exercise to choose the right article.

You will get reading exercises with carefully chosen words that refresh and expand your vocabulary.

Engaging with the language

It’s not about collecting points. You learn by making mistakes. Treat mistakes as a learning experience.

Drill into them by using the “ask my anything” feature to explain. If you find a skill you want to work on more, you can generate more exercises. Engage with vocabulary by creating mnemonics.

All of this is hard work, but that is precisely what is required to learn a new skill.

A non-commercial project

Morpheem is a one-man project with no commercial ambitions. I created it because I could not find any existing tool that could teach me Polish.

It currently has a very small user group that is giving active feedback and helping steer development. Your feedback is crucial; do reach out and let me know what works for you and what doesn’t.

Morpheem has been reviewed by All Language Resources